Sun God Image

2020-06-01 16:41:29 source: China National Silk Museum

From a silk textile with the Sun God pattern, Shine from China National Silk Museum explores the origin and transmission of such an image through time and along the silk road. It is a west to east influence ever since Greek Mythology and then the Indian Buddhism which later spread further east into China. This particular piece of silk has an incorporated influence, as its Sun God image shows similarity to Indian Buddhist style while the wing horses and pearl roundel indicate Sasanian influence, and it’s known for sure the piece was woven in China.

(Executive Editor: Ye Ke)

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From a silk textile with the Sun God pattern, Shine from China National Silk Museum explores the origin and transmission of such an image through time and along the silk road. It is a west to east influence ever since Greek Mythology and then the Indian Buddhism which later spread further east into China. This particular piece of silk has an incorporated influence, as its Sun God image shows similarity to Indian Buddhist style while the wing horses and pearl roundel indicate Sasanian influence, and it’s known for sure the piece was woven in China.

(Executive Editor: Ye Ke)
