When can we remove our masks? 什么时候能不戴口罩?

2020-03-19 08:34:37 source: Zhejiang News App

For the general public:

There is no need to wear masks at home, outdoors, places with good ventilation and no gathering of people.

Wear masks in crowded places, van elevators, and public vehicles. Carry masks with you in medium and low-risk areas and wear masks when others are at close range (less than 1m). Wear disposable medical masks in high-risk areas.

People suffering from cough or sneezing or living with home-quarantined people or discharged patients should wear disposable medical masks or surgical masks.

For people in specific places:

If you are in crowded hospitals, bus stations, railway stations, subway stations, airports, supermarkets, restaurants, public vehicles, and entrances and exits of communities and companies, wear disposable medical masks or surgical masks in medium and low-risk areas. Personnel should wear surgical masks or protective masks of KN95/N95 and above in high-risk areas.

If you are in prisons, nursing homes, welfare homes, mental health and medical institutions, classrooms, dormitories on construction sites and other crowded places, carry disposable medical masks or surgical masks with you and wear masks in crowded places or when others are at close range (less than 1m) in medium and low-risk areas. Personnel should wear surgical masks or protective masks of KN95/N95 and above in high-risk areas. Non-personnel should wear disposable medical masks.


Key personnel:

Suspected COVID-19 patients, confirmed patients, asymptomatic infected patients, close contacts with COVID-19 patients,  and entry personnel (from entry to the end of quarantine) should wear surgical masks or protective masks of KN95/N95 and above without exhalation valve.


People with occupational exposure:

The following personnel should wear surgical masks: medical personnel working in general out-patient clinics and wards, medical personnel working in low-risk areas, personnel engaging in epidemic prevention and control, personnel working in wards and ICU with confirmed cases and suspected cases, medical personnel working in fever clinics in designated medical institutions, medical personnel in emergency departments of medical institutions in medium and high-risk areas, epidemiological investigators, laboratory testing personnel, disinfection personnel, and personnel transferring confirmed or suspected patients.

The following personnel should wear hooded (or full-face) powered air supply and filtration respiratory protector, or semi-face powered air supply and filtration respiratory protector plus goggles or full-screen glasses (the two kinds of respiratory protectors should use P100 anti-particle filter component which should not be reused; the protector should be used only after disinfection): operators engaging in respiratory tract sample collection; personnel engaging in a tracheotomy, endotracheal intubation, bronchoscopy, sputum aspiration, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, lung transplantation, and pathological anatomy of COVID-19 patients.



  • Respiratory protectors include gauze masks and masks. Wash hands before wearing and after removing them.

  • Do not wear masks upside down or in a reversed way. The mask should cover the nose and mouth. Adjust the nose clip to make the mask fit the face.

  • Do not touch the inside and outside of the mask when wearing the mask. Remove the mask by pulling off the strings at both ends.

  • Wearing more than one masks cannot enhance the protective effect but increases respiratory resistance and may weaken tightness.

  •  Do not reuse masks after cleaning or disinfecting them.

  • Do not wear the same disposable medical masks and surgical masks for longer than 8 hours. Personnel with occupational exposure should not wear the same masks for more than 4 hours and the masks should not be reused.



居家、户外,无人员 聚集、通风良好的地方不需要戴口罩。





监狱、养老院、福利院、精神卫生医疗机构、以及教室、工地宿舍等人员密集场所:在中、低风险地区,应随身备用口罩(一次性医用口罩或医用外科口罩),在于人员聚集或在于其他人近距离接触(小于1米)时戴口罩。在高风险地区,工作人员戴医用外科口罩或KN95/N95及以上级别的防护口罩; 其他人员戴一次性医用口罩。





查、吸痰、心肺复苏操作,或肺移植手术、病理解剖的工作人员: 头罩式(或全面型)动力送风过滤式呼吸防护器,或半面型动力送风过滤式呼吸防护器加戴护目镜或全面屏;两种呼吸防护器均需选用P100防颗粒物过滤元件,过滤元件不可重复使用,防护器具消毒后使用。



2、佩戴口罩时注意正反和上下,口罩应遮 盖口鼻,调整鼻夹至贴合面部。





(Executive Editor: Ye Ke, Feng Siyuan)

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For the general public:

There is no need to wear masks at home, outdoors, places with good ventilation and no gathering of people.

Wear masks in crowded places, van elevators, and public vehicles. Carry masks with you in medium and low-risk areas and wear masks when others are at close range (less than 1m). Wear disposable medical masks in high-risk areas.

People suffering from cough or sneezing or living with home-quarantined people or discharged patients should wear disposable medical masks or surgical masks.

For people in specific places:

If you are in crowded hospitals, bus stations, railway stations, subway stations, airports, supermarkets, restaurants, public vehicles, and entrances and exits of communities and companies, wear disposable medical masks or surgical masks in medium and low-risk areas. Personnel should wear surgical masks or protective masks of KN95/N95 and above in high-risk areas.

If you are in prisons, nursing homes, welfare homes, mental health and medical institutions, classrooms, dormitories on construction sites and other crowded places, carry disposable medical masks or surgical masks with you and wear masks in crowded places or when others are at close range (less than 1m) in medium and low-risk areas. Personnel should wear surgical masks or protective masks of KN95/N95 and above in high-risk areas. Non-personnel should wear disposable medical masks.


Key personnel:

Suspected COVID-19 patients, confirmed patients, asymptomatic infected patients, close contacts with COVID-19 patients,  and entry personnel (from entry to the end of quarantine) should wear surgical masks or protective masks of KN95/N95 and above without exhalation valve.


People with occupational exposure:

The following personnel should wear surgical masks: medical personnel working in general out-patient clinics and wards, medical personnel working in low-risk areas, personnel engaging in epidemic prevention and control, personnel working in wards and ICU with confirmed cases and suspected cases, medical personnel working in fever clinics in designated medical institutions, medical personnel in emergency departments of medical institutions in medium and high-risk areas, epidemiological investigators, laboratory testing personnel, disinfection personnel, and personnel transferring confirmed or suspected patients.

The following personnel should wear hooded (or full-face) powered air supply and filtration respiratory protector, or semi-face powered air supply and filtration respiratory protector plus goggles or full-screen glasses (the two kinds of respiratory protectors should use P100 anti-particle filter component which should not be reused; the protector should be used only after disinfection): operators engaging in respiratory tract sample collection; personnel engaging in a tracheotomy, endotracheal intubation, bronchoscopy, sputum aspiration, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, lung transplantation, and pathological anatomy of COVID-19 patients.



  • Respiratory protectors include gauze masks and masks. Wash hands before wearing and after removing them.

  • Do not wear masks upside down or in a reversed way. The mask should cover the nose and mouth. Adjust the nose clip to make the mask fit the face.

  • Do not touch the inside and outside of the mask when wearing the mask. Remove the mask by pulling off the strings at both ends.

  • Wearing more than one masks cannot enhance the protective effect but increases respiratory resistance and may weaken tightness.

  •  Do not reuse masks after cleaning or disinfecting them.

  • Do not wear the same disposable medical masks and surgical masks for longer than 8 hours. Personnel with occupational exposure should not wear the same masks for more than 4 hours and the masks should not be reused.



居家、户外,无人员 聚集、通风良好的地方不需要戴口罩。





监狱、养老院、福利院、精神卫生医疗机构、以及教室、工地宿舍等人员密集场所:在中、低风险地区,应随身备用口罩(一次性医用口罩或医用外科口罩),在于人员聚集或在于其他人近距离接触(小于1米)时戴口罩。在高风险地区,工作人员戴医用外科口罩或KN95/N95及以上级别的防护口罩; 其他人员戴一次性医用口罩。





查、吸痰、心肺复苏操作,或肺移植手术、病理解剖的工作人员: 头罩式(或全面型)动力送风过滤式呼吸防护器,或半面型动力送风过滤式呼吸防护器加戴护目镜或全面屏;两种呼吸防护器均需选用P100防颗粒物过滤元件,过滤元件不可重复使用,防护器具消毒后使用。



2、佩戴口罩时注意正反和上下,口罩应遮 盖口鼻,调整鼻夹至贴合面部。





(Executive Editor: Ye Ke, Feng Siyuan)
