The first batch of rescue materials from China reached Serbia 首批中国援助物资运抵塞尔维亚

2020-03-18 02:10:28 source: People's Daily


On March 16, the government of Serbia announced that under the coordination of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia and the government of Serbia, the COVID-19 nucleic acid test reagents donated by China Shenzhen Mammoth Public Welfare Foundation reached Europe. Later, they took a special plane of the government of Serbia and reached Belgrade on the night of March 15. Vucic, the president of Serbia and Brnabic, premier of Serbia, respectively expressed gratitude to China through the media, emphasizing that this was the first batch of epidemic prevention and control material assistance received by Serbia from abroad.

塞尔维亚政府16日宣布,在中国驻塞尔维亚使馆和塞尔维亚政府的协调配合下,由中国深圳猛犸公益基金会捐赠的新型冠状病毒核酸检测试剂盒抵达欧洲,随后搭乘塞政府专机,于当地时间 15日晚运抵贝尔格莱德。塞尔维亚总统武契奇和总理布尔纳比奇分别通过媒体向中国表示感谢,强调这是塞尔维亚收到的第一批来自国外的疫情防控物资援助。

(Executive Editor: Ye Ke, Xu Wei)

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On March 16, the government of Serbia announced that under the coordination of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia and the government of Serbia, the COVID-19 nucleic acid test reagents donated by China Shenzhen Mammoth Public Welfare Foundation reached Europe. Later, they took a special plane of the government of Serbia and reached Belgrade on the night of March 15. Vucic, the president of Serbia and Brnabic, premier of Serbia, respectively expressed gratitude to China through the media, emphasizing that this was the first batch of epidemic prevention and control material assistance received by Serbia from abroad.

塞尔维亚政府16日宣布,在中国驻塞尔维亚使馆和塞尔维亚政府的协调配合下,由中国深圳猛犸公益基金会捐赠的新型冠状病毒核酸检测试剂盒抵达欧洲,随后搭乘塞政府专机,于当地时间 15日晚运抵贝尔格莱德。塞尔维亚总统武契奇和总理布尔纳比奇分别通过媒体向中国表示感谢,强调这是塞尔维亚收到的第一批来自国外的疫情防控物资援助。

(Executive Editor: Ye Ke, Xu Wei)
