Dear Hong Kong, I have a dream...

2019-08-22 02:30:36 source: China Plus

Dear Hong Kong,

I have a eat ice cream and fishball in curry sauce everyday, the non-spicy one please.

The happiest thing? Hong Kong style cafe, tea with milk and a tea set serve my day...

Work as my wishes, rest as my wishes...

You will find the best steak here, and the cheapest pork chop there.

Keep searching and you will find a lot of good stuffs. 


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10858758 Dear Hong Kong, I have a dream... public html

Dear Hong Kong,

I have a eat ice cream and fishball in curry sauce everyday, the non-spicy one please.

The happiest thing? Hong Kong style cafe, tea with milk and a tea set serve my day...

Work as my wishes, rest as my wishes...

You will find the best steak here, and the cheapest pork chop there.

Keep searching and you will find a lot of good stuffs. 

