Who wants to be associated with destruction, unlawful activities, no respect for the law and barbaric actions that humiliate the code of democracy.

2019-12-02 04:45:34 source: Vincent Sai To

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@Vincent Sai To  (via Facebook) said:Who wants to be associated with destruction, unlawful activities, no respect for the law and barbaric actions that humiliate the code of democracy. EMBARRASSMENT TO SAY THE LEAST!!!

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11424940 Who wants to be associated with destruction, unlawful activities, no respect for the law and barbaric actions that humiliate the code of democracy. public html

Orange Quote Flowers Instagram Post.png

@Vincent Sai To  (via Facebook) said:Who wants to be associated with destruction, unlawful activities, no respect for the law and barbaric actions that humiliate the code of democracy. EMBARRASSMENT TO SAY THE LEAST!!!
